Cosgrove High School Noticeboard

Mid-Year Reporting

Dear Parent/Carers, 

Mid-Year Reporting, Evidence of Learning and Learning Conversations 2024 

This letter provides important information about your young person’s mid-year report, including evidence of learning and learning conversations.  

Your young person’s Report and Evidence of Learning folder will be available for collection at our Learning Conversations on Tuesday 25th June from 3-5pm.  If you are unable to attend this date, we strongly encourage you to contact the school to arrange an alternative time to discuss your young person’s progress.  Reports that are not collected will be sent home at the end of Term 2. 

Learning Conversations and Evidence of Learning 25th June 3-5pm: 

Parents/carers and students are invited to meet with teachers to discuss progress and receive their young person’s report on Tuesday 25th June from 3pm – 5pm.  These conversations will focus on student progress, application to learning, wellbeing and/or learning plan goals. During these conversations we will share evidence of learning folders for all learning areas. These folders will include student work samples demonstrating student achievement. 

Bookings for these conversations can be made online following this link: 

Instructions to use the online booking system are attached to this letter but can also be found on our school website at: Parents/carers are also able to contact the office and have our office staff book these appointments for you too. 

We look forward to seeing parents and carers on the afternoon of the 25th of June. 

Australian Curriculum Reporting: 

The mid-year report shows how your young person is achieving against the Australian Curriculum for their year level or against Individual Learning Plan goals.  For each learning area, your young person’s teachers have assessed their progress against the achievement standard of the Australian Curriculum. The 9-point scale shows more specifically where your young person’s learning achievement is against the expected standard for their year level.  

The 9-point scale and worded descriptor assessment shows progress using the Australian Curriculum achievement standard established for young people in every state and territory of Australia. It does not compare your young person’s progress to other young people in their class. Your young person’s teachers have also provided information about work habits: engagement, attitude and organisation.  Please note that specialist subjects will be reported against a 5-point scale: 

Learning Plan Reporting: 

For students on Learning Plans, their report shows their progress towards their goals using a learning plan goal continuum. In conjunction with the learning plan goal continuum, your young person will also receive work habits assessments for all subjects.  For some subjects, your young person may also receive either a 9-point scale or 5-point scale rating and worded descriptor if they are achieving at the expected standard or above for that learning area.  

We would like to take this opportunity to again thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in your young person’s learning. We also encourage all parents/carers to discuss their young person’s report with them. It is particularly important to identify the areas where improvements in learning can be made.   

If you need any further assistance or have any questions, please contact the school. 

Yours sincerely  

Anthony Coe 
