There are a wide variety of professional supports available to students and families. Parents/carers should contact the relevant Year Coordinator to find our more and to access this support:
Support for students with a disability
A support teacher, a passionate team of Teacher Assistants and a dedicated space are three very valuable resources to support students with differing abilities. Students are provided with high levels of adjustment so that they can engage in regular classes wherever possible and so that they can benefit from the full high school experience. The support teacher liaises closely with external agencies/organisations to ensure that students’ needs are met and will liaise very closely with parents/carers of students involved in this space to develop, assess and review individualised Learning Plans.
School Psychology Service
Our School Psychologist provides student support and counselling for a range of issues. These include: mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, or anger; behavioural issues; social and relationship issues; and support around general health and wellbeing. Students may also be referred for assessment around learning difficulties, behavioural concerns, or social and emotional issues. An assessment can give teachers and parents valuable information to support students with their learning. Jess can also assist with referrals to external agencies and support services, including paediatricians and other specialists where this is needed. Students can be referred to the school psychologist by parents, teachers or senior staff.
Our school psychologist is involved with student leaders in organising our annual mental health expo and events related to RUOK day.
School Social Worker
Our Social Worker, Ms Kristy Pearce works at Cosgrove High School three days per week. She is available to assist students and families with a wide variety of matters. Our Social Worker can link students and families up with support outside of school. She supports students with difficulties they may be having in their classes, or with relationships with peers, staff or within the family.
School Health Nurse
Our school has a School Health Nurse on-site one day a week.
School health nurses support schools to create a physical and social environment that promotes health and wellbeing, and assists to improve the health and education outcomes for children and young people in Tasmania.
Focus for Secondary Schools
School Chaplaincy Program
Cosgrove High School has a school chaplain who supports our students two days per week. The chaplain supports the wellbeing and personal development of students through volunteer work in the local community, individual and small group work, building resilience, identity and self-belief.
Aboriginal Education Worker
Our Aboriginal Education Worker supports students in classrooms and through specialist programs.
English as an Additional Language
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) Program focuses on improving the educational opportunities and outcomes for newly arrived students and ongoing English language learners by providing resources that develop English language competence and facilitate participation in mainstream curricula and educational activities. It also supports the school in the development and implementation of appropriate teaching and learning programs for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.